Deceit from A Devil

Hitler convinced Thyssen he was simply the 'pacemaker' for the coming restoration of the monarchy. Thyssen decided to bankroll Hitler's financial and political empire, all for the betterment of the Fatherland. By the 1930's Thyssen was one of the leading backers of the Nazi party. Thyssen began to have enough of Hitler's malicious ways and sought a way to be free from his reign. In November of 1938, an even known as Kristallnacht which led a violent pogrom gainst the Jews, Thyssen had reached his breaking point and resigned from the Council of State. 

In the forward to Hitler's Angel, Thyssen confesses " If human civilization is not to perish, everything that is possible must be done to make war impossible in Europe. But the violent solution dreamed of by Hitler, a primitive person obsessed by ill-digested historical memories, is a romantic folly and a barbarous and bloody anachronism."

 After fleeing to Paris, Thyssen was eventually captured and suffered the same fate as many others, as he was exiled to a concentration camp. 

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