Sincerely, Fritz Thyssen

Who was Fritz Thyssen?

Will Jones of Atlanta Jeffersonian Exogenesis dubbed Thyseen "the Rockefeller of Germany". Thyseen was indeed the consummate German industrialist, a multibillionaire steel and coal magnate. He formed United Steelworks, a company that controlled over 75% of Germany's ore resources and employed 200,000 people. At the time of meeting Hitler, Thyseen though Hitler would be the antidote to the threat of communism. 

In January 1950, he and his wife emigrated to Buenos Aires, where he died the following year. Before his death, he took respolnsibility for his involvement in Hitler's rise and agreed to pay 500,000 Deutsche Marks' as compensation to those who suffered as a result of his actions. Due to his cooperation and regret, he was acquitted of other charges. 

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